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Cornerstone (feat. Zach Williams) album image

Cornerstone (feat. Zach Williams)


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Cornerstone (feat. Zach Williams) album image

Cornerstone (feat. Zach Williams)


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Let It Rain (Is There Anybody) [feat. Mandisa] album image

Let It Rain (Is There Anybody) [feat. Mandisa]



My God Can album image

My God Can

Katy Nichole & Naomi Raine


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Hi there! My name is Sabrina and I am a Christian, who has been going through some pretty serious warfare. My oldest child has unfortunately fell into an addiction. And we as a family have been trying our best to get her on the road to recovery. She has also had to deal with a guy who she befriended that's older than her. And he has been harassing her lately to the point of us having to call the police. The devil has been busy. But I know our God is greater. Would you please lift us up in prayer against satanic harassment.