Praise (feat. Brandon Lake, Chris Brown, & Chandler Moore) album image

Praise (feat. Brandon Lake, Chris Brown, & Chandler Moore)

Elevation Worship

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Hands holding each other in support as a group of people


Let’s come together and pray for each other! This is a safe place for you to share what’s on your heart with others in the community. Share your prayer requests anonymously, and be uplifted as others pray with you!


Newest Prayers Recent without prayers

July 26, 2024

Comfort and good news

Please pray for our daughter, she had seizures and brain tumor found today. Please let her have good news for successful treatment and healing. Help her have peace during this time.

July 26, 2024

My Son’s family

I ask that you pray for my Son & his family. He is married & has 2 daughters. His wife is very controlling & is making life miserable for everyone. If she doesn’t get her way she threatens to take the girls & leave & he will have nothing including the girls! Things are so bad that if she doesn’t want to eat no one eats. And she constantly belittles my grandaughters about their looks. I just had my granddaughters for a week & my heart broke just hearing them about what their life is like. Please pray that things will change & everyone can live in peace. Thank you

July 26, 2024

Dad in hospital with unknown cause of pain.

Please pray for my Daddy. He is having pain and they have discovered very high liver enzymes with no known cause. Checking gall bladder and having many tests done. Please pray for doctors to have the wisdom to find the cause and be guided by God's mighty hand. And please pray for comfort for my Daddy as he is in a lot of pain.

July 26, 2024

Son’s Family

Please pray for my son & his family. He is married & has 2 daughters …17 & 12. His wife is bipolar & refuses to take her meds. Her demands & needing to control everyone is causing great stress & anxiety to my son & daughters. If she doesn’t get her way or if they don’t do things her way she threatens to take the girls & take all he has. It has gotten so bad that if she isn’t hungry then none of them eat. I can’t say anything because she won’t let us see the girls again. It has happened before. My son doesn’t want to lose his family but they really need help from God. Thank you for your prayers. His name is BJ & hers is Rachel.

July 26, 2024

Job and career

Asking for God's wisdom and leading in terms of job/career and location. Thank you so much!

July 26, 2024

For direction through disappointment

Please pray that BJ will finally find the path that will lead him to peace and fulfillment in his life. He has been through many losses and disappointments and feels like a failure. He feels as if he’s always fighting and nothing ever works out no matter how hard he tries. Help him see clearly to navigate out of his depression.. Thank you!

July 25, 2024

Preemie grandson at 25 weeks

Hello, I need prayers and God to wrap his arms around our grandson who was born at 25 weeks. He weighs 1.7lbs He was not due until November. He is in the NICU in Peoria. He is currently intubated. His parents are praising God he is alive but sad he is so early. Asking that God wrap his arms around his tiny little body and protect him and help him to grow strong. . Give the drs and nurses the wisdom to help him progress and grow. In God’s name.

July 25, 2024

Son in financial hardship, lost his job

My son just lost his job Tuesday. He's stressed out, not knowing how he's going to pay rent and bills. He has depression and anxiety so he hasn't answered my calls since he called and told me about it. He lives in Connecticut. I wish I was in a financial position to help him but I'm not. Please pray he gets another job very soon.

July 25, 2024

Pell Exam

Please pray for my daughter Cindy B. she is taking her Pell Exam again last time she took it she was 7 points away from passing she goes tomorrow to take test again at 830 AM we have to pay each time she takes it

July 25, 2024


My husband and I are unhappy where we live. Ot isn't suitable and our residence has more problems than I can even begin. I thank the Lord every day for food, water, and our house but it is render8us broke. He is on disability and I am currently unemployed. We live in an area with no public transportation and do not have a vehicle. I am a college grad but I will work wherever….if I had a way. Please, Father I pray for your will. I pray that we are blessed with an apartment back in the city that is modest, safe and affordable on the bus line. We have spent thousands of dollars in repairs and cannot do this anymore. Please pray for us.