Official Video

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I got enemies at every side
It ain’t looking good, I ain’t gonna lie
Arrows flying, devil’s trying
T o make me think I’m going down this time
You might think that I’d be afraid
Running scared with a shaken faith
But the God I know says it ain’t over
The God I know is gonna make a way

Yea, though I walk through the valley
I will have

No fear, no fear
The mighty power of Jesus
Is fighting for me here
No fear, no fear
The light of the world
Makes the darkness disappear
No fear
Not over my life, not over my life, not over my life
Not over my life, not over my life, not over my life

No fear when I’m walking through the fire
‘Cause I know who’s walking me through
No fear when the floodwaters rise
If I got my eyes on you

No fear, no fear
The mighty power of Jesus
Is fighting for me here
No fear, no fear
The light of the world
Makes the darkness disappear
No fear
Not over my life, not over my life, not over my life
Not over my life, not over my life, not over my life

Not over my family, not over my future
Not over my life, God’s over my life
Not over my battles, not over my struggles
Not over my life, God’s over my life

Yea, though I walk through the valley
I will have

© 2024 B Reddi Music (BMI) (Admin. at, BrentHood Music (BMI), Meaux Mercy (BMI) (adm. At, Story House IV Music (ASCAP) – admin at
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