We, as a congregation, want to recognize Pastor Steve Linton for his unwavering dedication and genuine love for all of us. What stands out the most about him is that he never sugar coats anything. He preaches with boldness, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide his words, and stays true to the Bible, even when the truth may be difficult to hear. His goal is always to save souls, not to spare feelings.
Pastor Steve’s heart for people is immense. He loves and accepts everyone just as they are, without judgment. His kindness, generosity, and approachability make him truly unique. No matter what he’s doing, Pastor Steve is always willing to listen, even when he was ill, he remained available for his people. He would give the shirt off his back or his last dollar to help someone in need, showing the world what it means to love like Jesus.
He is not just a smart and funny man; he is a sincere, God-fearing example of how Christians should live. His love for God shines through in every sermon, and his willingness to answer questions outside of Bible study speaks to his commitment to nurturing our faith. We are so thankful for his leadership and for his example of what it means to love like Christ.

YES Day at WBGL is a day where we set aside time to completely focus on having a relationship with Jesus Christ.